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Adolescent Center for Treatment (ACT) at the Johnson County Mental Health Center


301 N. Monroe

Olathe, Kansas 66061

website >

Residential treatment facility for adolescents 12-18 years of age experiencing problems related to substance use.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

(785) 843-7359

1525 W. 6th St., Ste. A

Lawrence, KS 66044

website >

Offers youth mentoring programs that match children ages  5-18 with carefully screened adults.

CASA, Inc. (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children) 


1009 New Hampshire, Suite B

Lawrence, KS 66044

website >

Court-assigned advocates for abused or neglected children who have been put in the custody of the court.

Child Support Enforcement by SRS

(785) 832-3801


website >

Enforces child support orders, locates absent parents and their property, gets an order of paternity, gets an order for cash child support, gets and enforces an order for health insurance coverage for a support, gets and enforces an order for health insurance coverage for a regularly.  CSE automatically serves families receiving Temporary Assistance to Families (TAF), foster care, medical assistance, food assistance, and child care assistance. CSE also serves any family, regardless of income or residency, who needs and applies for CSE services.

Douglas County Child Development Association (DCCDA)

935 Iowa St.
Lawrence, KS 66044
website >

Provides resources for parents.

Douglas County Citizens Committee on Alcoholism (DCCCA)

3312 Clinton Parkway 
Lawrence, KS 66047    
website >  

Family preservation services, substance abuse services, foster care, youth residential services.

Douglas County Tiny K Early Intervention

2619 W. 6th St., Ste. B
Lawrence, KS 66046    
website >

Provides support and services to children, ages birth to three who have special needs, and their families. 

East Heights Early Childhood Family Center

1430 Haskell Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66046
website >

Early Childhood Special Services - Developmental screens for ages 3-5 for vision, hearing, speech & motor development. Preschool for 4-year-olds and Parents as Teachers (for children birth to age three).

ECKAN (East Central Kansas Economic Opportunity Corporation)

2518 Ridge Court
Lawrence, KS 66046
website >

Auto assistance program with SRS, weatherizes homes, provides
emergency food, utility and rent assistance, clothing, school supplies, 
homeless and housing counseling, youth job readiness program, 
reading programs, and free or reduced rates to recreational events.

The Farm Inc

(785) 749-2664
910 West 24th Street
Lawrence, KS 66046

Foster care, visitation and exchange, adoption, international adoption.

Flint Hills Job Corps Center

(785) 537-7222
4620 Eureka Drive
Manhattan, KS 66503
website >

No-cost education and career technical training program that helps people ages 16 - 24; GED program; high school diploma program; academic courses and courses in independent living, employability skills, and social skills.

Kansas Payment Center (KPC)

Post Office Box 758599
Topeka, KS 66675-8599
website >

Payment processing center for all Kansas child support and maintenance 
(spousal support) payments.

Kaw Valley Center (KVC Behavioral Health)

1202 E. 23rd St., Ste. C
Lawrence, Kansas 66046
website >

Provides foster care, adoption, outpatient and inpatient behavioral health care. Medical, education and social services to children and families.

Lawrence Memorial Hospital’s ConnectCare 


Free child safety seat inspections.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Charles B. Wang International Children's Building
699 Prince Street 
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3175 

website >

Resources for parents.

Pregnancy and Parenting Services (Lawrence-Douglas County Health Department)

200 Maine St. 
Lawrence, KS. 66044 

website >


Education related to pregnancy and parenting, including breastfeeding support, help getting prenatal medical care, support, and counseling, links to community resources
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday (Closed from noon to 1 p.m.)

Runaway Hotline

3080 N. Lincoln Ave.
Chicago, IL 60657 

website >

National hotline and website for runaway and homeless youth. Youth and 
family members call 24 hours a day to work through problems and find local 
help from social service agencies and organizations

Safe Kids Douglas County

325 Main Street
Lawrence, Kansas 66044 

website >

Child Safety Seat Check-Up Events, Child Safety Events

The Shelter, Inc.

(785) 749-4564
105 W 11th St # 1  
Lawrence, KS 66044

website >

Provides emergency residential care for children as a result of law 
enforcement and/or court action between the ages of 10-18

Success by 6 Coalition of Douglas County    

2518 Ridge Ct # 240
Lawrence, KS 66046

website >

Provides in-home family support and mental health services to families with
young children.

Van Go, Inc.

715 New Jersey St.
Lawrence, KS 66044
PO Box 153
Lawrence, KS 66044
website >

Provides year-round after-school and summer job-training programs to 
high-needs and under-served youth, ages 14-21, using art.

Young Williams

Townsite Plaza IV
120 SE 6th St., Ste 106
Topeka, KS 66603

Handles child support enforcement of IV-D cases when a parent has 
received public assistance.

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