Anger Alternatives
8014 State Line Road
Prairie Village KS, 66208
website >
Offers support groups, phone consultation, and individual or family training so people can learn to manage anger in healthy ways
Celebrate Recovery
Life Mission Church
16111 S. Lone Elm Rd
Olathe, Kansas 66062
website >
Christian based support group for working through addictive, compulsive,
and/or dysfunctional behaviors
Meal, Large Group, Small Groups, Cafe, Free Childcare
Thursday, 7p.m.
Christian Psychological Services
3510 Clinton Pl # 320
Lawrence, KS 66047-2178
website >
Individual and family counseling. 24 hour crisis response. Daytime, evening, and weekend appointments available. Financially limited clients without insurance coverage may be eligible for a fee adjustment
Haskell Student Counseling Center
Stidham Union
Haskell Indian Nations University, Barker Ave,
Lawrence, KS 66046
website >
Confidential personal and social counseling, crisis intervention, chemical abuse education and prevention, assistance for students with family responsibilities,
American Indian/Alaska Native cultural enrichment activities, and a seminal program in higher education success
Headquarters Counseling Center
Counseling Line: (785) 841-2345
from Baldwin City: 888-899-2345
Phone A Friend: (785) 865-2600
211 E. 8th, Suite C
Lawrence, KS 66044
PO Box 999
Lawrence, KS 66044
Counseling and support for all personal concerns, suicide intervention, information about drugs, AIDS, and STDs, support groups for adults or teens who have experienced a suicide loss, information about community resources, first call for help (children home alone can call and talk to a safe adult), information line for parents
Heartland Community Health Center
1 Riverfront Plaza, Suite 100
Lawrence, KS 66044
website >
Medical clinic, counseling, food pantry, financial benevolence, diabetes care & prevention, wellness program, smoking cessation program
Walk-in Clinic: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 - 10 am
Appointments: Monday, 10 am - 7 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10 am - 4:30 pm (Closed 12 - 1:30 pm)
Friday, 10 - 11:30 am
New Patients $42, Others $28
KU Children and Family Services Clinic
2021 Dole Human Development Center
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-7555
website >
Child and family counseling
Monday - Thursday
KU Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Watkins Health Center, 2nd Floor
Lawrence, KS 66045-7538
website >
Counseling and academic testing services.
Billing Information:
First session at CAPS $15.00
Individual & Couples (50 minutes) $15.00
Group Sessions (1.5 hours) $15.00
Psychiatric Evaluation (1 hour) $70.00
Extended Psychiatric Visit (1 hour) $70.00
Brief Psychiatric Visit (15 minutes) $30.00