he Willow's Board of Directors is excited to announce that Megan Green Stuke has accepted the role of Executive Director. The Board is thrilled with Megan's vision and her continued growth as a leader of the organization.

Currently in her 3rd year with the Willow, Megan has acted as Director of Volunteer Services, the inaugural Director of Development, and oversaw the popular Mic Drop Willow Fundraiser in June 2017. Megan brings a strong background in education, non-profit administration, development, and community advocacy to the role.
In her capacity as Interim Executive Director she has continued to improve the working environment within the Willow. As Executive Director, Megan will focus on increased diversity, equality, and inclusion for survivors and staff, community visibility, continual staff and policy development, building a trauma-informed agency serving and supporting survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking in Douglas, Jefferson, and Franklin county. We are excited to see how she continues to lead the Willow as Executive Director.