The Willow's 2018 Domestic Violence Awareness Month Activities focused on survivor stories, and the idea of storytelling through writing and art. 2018's main awareness events were:
Empowering Voices, a Final Friday event. Sept. 28th, 5-9pm, Percolator Gallery Kayla's Story: Photos and stories from Franklin County survivors Oct. 4th, 6-9pm, 111 N. Main St., Ottawa Telling Your Story: A memoir primer with Molly Krause Oct. 11th, 6-8pm, Percolator Gallery One in Four: Voices of Male Survivors Oct 20th, 7-8:30pm, Percolator Gallery In addition, The Willow tabled throughout the community, and presented to organizations on Domestic Violence Awareness, with proclamations by the Lawrence City Commission, and Douglas County Commission.