This Saturday, June 19th, is Juneteenth and is a holiday that the Willow celebrates. Since it is on a Saturday, we will observe it on Monday, and the administrative office will be closed that day.
For those who do not know, Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day and Emancipation Day, is when news of the abolition of slavery finally reached Texas. Unlike other holidays which celebrate the end of wars or conflicts, Juneteenth doesn't mark the end of the violence of slavery; instead, it recognizes the day when the entire nation was aware of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Here is an article that explains further what Juneteenth is:
I like to repost that article every year because it explains the history of Juneteenth well. Searching for the email from last year, I found myself reflecting on where we were a year ago. We were a few months into a global pandemic, and the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor sparked national protests. Events that remind us that the effects of slavery, segregation, and oppression are very much active and pervasive in our systems today.
Every year, this day brings mixed emotions of celebration and sadness. Whatever you do on this day, take time to care for yourselves. Continue to check in on your Black loved ones as this day weighs heavy. And if you're able to, support Black businesses and organizations.
I appreciate every one of you. Felix Rodriguez Director of Equitable Services and Recruitment Willow Domestic Violence Center